How do I print my company name and address on the QuickBooks Statement?

by Muriel Murray on April 16, 2013

in QuickBooks Accounting 101, QuickBooks for Contractors

My company name and address prints on the Invoice but not on the Statement.

In QuickBooks, the formats for Statements and Invoices (as well as Credit Memos, Sales Receipts, Estimates, and Sales/Work Orders) are managed under Templates (Lists > Templates).  The templates can also be re-formatted by clicking Customize when you are editing an individual Invoice or Statement. No matter how you begin your changes, your first step should be to make a copy of an existing template, and do your work on the copy. That way, if you mess up, you can make a new copy of the original and start from there.

Here are the directions from Lists > Templates:

  1. Select the Intuit Standard Statement, click the Templates button in the lower left corner, and select Duplicate. Now you will see Copy of: Intuit Standard Statem in the list.
  2. Select the Copy of:, click the Templates button, and select Edit Template.
  3. Click the Manage Templates… button. Make sure your Copy of: is selected in the left-hand window, and change the Template Name at the top of the right-hand window to whatever you want to call your customized Statement template.
  4. Click OK, and make sure the Selected Template at the top left of the screen is your template.
  5. At the lower left is Company & Transaction Information. Check all the information you want to see on your printed form.
  6. Click the Print Preview… button at the lower right, and Print if you wish.
  7. If your company name, address, or any other information you selected do not appear, click Update Information… and make sure they are filled in on the Company Information screen (this screen is also available from the main menu Company > Company Information…)

Once you have your template customized as you want it, I encourage you to make a copy of it and experiment with the Additional Customization… and the Layout Designer…, both available from the Basic Customization screen on which you do the work above.

When you are creating an Invoice, a Statement, or any other form, be sure the template you want to use is selected in the upper right corner of the respective Create window.

Leave a comment below, or contact me through the Have a Question? page, if you are interested in video training on how to customize templates.

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