All you need to know about Accounting to use QuickBooks

It’s hard enough to keep up with construction how-to. To manage a small construction business you need to know a little about accounting. You don’t need to be a CPA, but there are some bookkeeping basics that you should master. QuickBooks will handle much of the accounting for you; here’s what you need to know about Accounting 101.

How do I print my company name and address on the QuickBooks Statement?

by Muriel Murray April 16, 2013 QuickBooks Accounting 101

My company name and address prints on the Invoice but not on the Statement. In QuickBooks, the formats for Statements and Invoices (as well as Credit Memos, Sales Receipts, Estimates, and Sales/Work Orders) are managed under Templates (Lists > Templates).  The templates can also be re-formatted by clicking Customize when you are editing an individual Invoice or […]

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(Why) Should I use account numbers in my QuickBooks company file?

by Muriel Murray April 11, 2013 QuickBooks Accounting 101

QuickBooks, unlike some other accounting software, does not require you to assign numbers to your chart of accounts, and doesn’t add them by default. I have no opinion whether your contracting business should use account numbers in QuickBooks. Your CPA may care, however, so check with her/him. If you decide for whatever reason to assign […]

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